Saturday, November 3, 2012

Making a Comeback.....

Ok, so I realize it has been 2+ years since I have blogged.  I have been getting the itch, and today I decided to do something about it.  It is crazy not to, right?  I am so jealous of my friend Megan Johnson,, because she has everything documented and put them into books.  Such a perfect way to keep up with memories.  I just re read this blog, and remembered great times and things in detail that I totally forgotten.  So, I am turning over a new leaf!  I want to have every moment of Bowlin's life documented!  I have done an 'ok' job of that for the past two years, but that changes today.  So with that being said, let's get started.

Obviously, if I started trying to post in detail about life over the past 2 and 1/2 years 1. we could be here for days and 2. I would miss something.  So, I guess I will hit the high points over the next few posts and then start back in detail.

In my last post I told you we were having a BOY!   Well, by far the biggest high point of the past 2 years is that he is here.  William "Bowlin" Butler, III was born November 10, 2010.  Weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 12 oz and 22 in long.  He came in this world big and has been big ever since.  He is my whole world.  You always hear how you didn't know  you could love something so much.  Or I always heard that, but only half listened to it.  Well, 'they' are right, it's true.  The love I have for him is indescribable in any amount of words!  A couple of pictures below for the big day.

Mom and Dad anxiously awaiting the arrival of Bowlin

Bowlin's very first picture

Momma meeting Bowlin for the first time

 All cleaned up

If you notice, above is a picture that says momma meeting Bowlin for the first time.  There is a story to that.  I went into labor at 2:30 AM in Corinth with my water breaking.  Needless to say the ride to Memphis was one of excitement.  When I got to the hospital my contractions were less than 2 minutes apart.  We got pulled over twice by police.  I thought I might be delivering in the car.  Once we got there I thought this can't take long.  I have to have him soon.  HA!  WRONG!

 I realize I had it better than a lot, and am not trying to make it out that I had it very bad.  I am just saying that 12 hours of labor is way different than 12 hours on a normal day.  Luckily I had family there to entertain me and keep me company. Meredith even drove from Starkville to be with me and be one of the first to meet Baby B.

So.......the short version is: we finally make it to the hospital, I am in labor all day, finally get to 10 cm, push for 30 min or so, only to be told we need a Csection.  If you know me at all you know my anxiety is a little out of control.  So, this scared me to death and sent me into a tailspin.  Not that I was necessarily scared of the surgery.  Just that it 'wasn't in the plan' and I don't like that.  Once they got me all prepped and moved me back in to the OR I had to go in alone for a little big while they prepped me before Bo could come in.  I have no idea if this was 5 min or much longer.  It seemed MUCH LONGER!  They had given me some drugs for the anxiety and I was groggy, scared, and cold.  Once they got started there was a LOT of pressure on my chest and pain in my chest.  At which time I decided I was having a heart attack.  The nurse with the drugs was at my right, and Bo at my left.  So I proceed to let them know calmly (yeah right) that I am having a heart attack.  They wouldn't listen and apparently I got a little wound up and pinched the nurse (ooops! my bad).  So......she gave me enough drugs to knock me smooth out.  As in I MISSED THE BIRTH OF MY SON!  On the video there is Bo and Bowlin so sweet meeting for the first time, and then they pan to me.  Out like a light.  Didn't know I was in the world.  Bo says he woke me up to show me Bowlin and I said something not so nice so he just let me sleep.  So the above picture is in recovery when I got to see my son for the first time.  He was perfection!

I am very excited about my blog comeback!  Just to give you a little sneak peek of what my life looks 2 years later, see below.  Until next time..........


My little nugget of perfection at 2 years old (almost)